Sunday, February 15, 2009

Help Boycott Cruelty to Tiger

Well, So much for there being any justice in this horrible world we live in. Tony the Truckstop Tiger unfortunately has to stay with the asshole that is keeping him in a concrete pin all day and night. Somebody needs to take a look at that poor tigers paws and see if they are cracked and dry. Probably so. Also, they probably use bleach to clean out his cage, if they clean it out, and that's not helping any either. That man is a piss poor excuse for a human being.
Micheal S. Sandlin needs to be put into a concrete cage, have flood lights put on him all night and day, have rocks thrown at him and smell the diesel and gas fumes all day and night and see how he likes it. Fuckin prick.

I also think that if any of the people that are reading this are truck drivers, or know of any truck drivers that go to or through Louisiana, please urge them not to stop or do any kind of business at Tiger Truck Stop. Wouldn't it be funny if the truck stop went out of business because of the fact that most truck drivers are good people that do not condone animal exploitation. My dad's a truck driver and knows a lot of people and he's going to start spreading the word for me.

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